
Well, okay.  As promised last week, development blogs are going to be a little scarce in terms of content.  TO DRIVE THIS POINT HOME, let’s go ahead and get this started.

-Another scene was written up
-A single character concept was drafted

IT WAS A HOLIDAY WEEKEND, WE COULDN’T HELP IT.  With that out of the way, I think we can afford to share the previously mentioned character concepts with you today.  So, no fancy words or descriptions today, just ART.  Enjoy~

(PS her name is Allison even though at this point that doesn’t matter)

Yeah, that’s really all we have for you today.  Sorry, but thems the breaks anymore.  We’ve gotten to the point where it’s all “business” work and we don’t really want to over-spoil you.  Please don’t hate us too much~


Anonymous April 09, 2012

not gay enough

Anonymous April 09, 2012

>Allison>not a slutPick 1.

Anonymous April 09, 2012


TopHat April 09, 2012

you have no idea

Anonymous April 09, 2012

where's my delicious brown loli trap?

Skrats April 09, 2012

Bettah be lesbian caps, bettah be lesbian.

Anonymous April 09, 2012

too busy streaming to appear in this VN

teganwilson April 09, 2012

That's more than I accomplished this weekend. Looking good.Tegan Wilson

Anonymous April 09, 2012

That drawing on the left is poor. The proportions are all off.

Anonymous April 10, 2012

No overspoiling on the day after Easter? Aww. :-(

Anonymous April 10, 2012

do you mean the right?

Anonymous April 10, 2012


Anonymous April 11, 2012

Was that supposed to be a "glasses if she's deaf" joke?

Anonymous April 12, 2012

That hat and megaphone look out of place... you better remove them.

TopHat April 12, 2012

Go to bed chunx


