Androids and Nonsense

Wow, what a weekend!  Let’s get this rolling proper.

So, what happened since…yesterday?:

  • Removed the android plot twist from the game

  • Took earlier-mentioned team member out to a fancy dinner and apologized

  • In a moment of weakness, re-added androids

  • Removed them again after sobering up


But really, what is there to say?  What we gave you yesterday sums up everything we have that isn’t “did more writing and made more art assets.”  Instead, we figure now would be the time to get some feedback from you, so we’re going to keep today’s post short.

Yesterday’s build was a joke, of course, but you did get a preview of things like the menu, sprites, transition effects, music, etcetra.  Any comments on ANYTHING in the demo would be greatly appreciated; this may be a joke but we’d still like it to be as enjoyable as possible.  You probably won’t need to tell us that you got headaches from the red laser eye flashes though, we doubt those will make it to the final product.

Oh, and finally, we can leave you with this:  a small collection of art from yesterday’s thing.

You can download all of the sprites+CGs used [HERE]


ThreadKiller April 02, 2012

Shades so fucking goooooooooooooooooodddddd

Anonymous April 02, 2012

Instant Katawa Dick in the first minute.

Anonymous April 02, 2012

I got headaches from the red laser eye flashes.

Anonymous April 02, 2012

Warning: pedantry ahead. This is a compliment: That's a lovely devilish smile you have. If the devilish smile complEments an evil gaze, that's an entirely different word. End pedantry.

Anonymous April 02, 2012

The text scrolling is too slow for my taste, I kept pressing a button to make it appear all at once and that's not exactly fun to do for any long periods of time....

TopHat April 02, 2012


TopHat April 02, 2012

There's actually a text-speed slider in the options menu to fix that problem, but we can set the default to higher.

Mountaineer April 02, 2012

Well, time for me to go commit seppuk for messing up. D:Thanks dude, don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that.

Mountaineer April 02, 2012

can't spell seppuku right either

Dakishi April 04, 2012

I enjoyed it. Art is perfect as always from you guys, the BGM is great, looking forward to a soundtrack of some sort when the game is released. Didn't have any problems with the game at all on my Mac, so that could be some useful feedback if you don't have someone on the dev team with one, I guess. I hope he had a great time at the fancy dinner.

Anonymous April 21, 2012

Mountaineer has never been able to spell. Though maybe it's from hanging around me too much, my old friend. Human Error, not like he's a fucking android.


