Comic Concepts

Friday again?  Alright, time for another update!

What happened since Monday:

  • Art assets and writing continue to get done

  • Feedback has been taken into account and we’re discussing the best way to fix some problems the “leak” had.

Okay, so we’ve gotten to the stage of development where the amount of cool stuff we can show has slowed down and we’re producing stuff like script and coding moreso than anything else.  Because of this, the blog posts may end up being empty-ish.  We’re still getting work done, it’s just not stuff we can actually really show, else we’d be spoiling the whole story and assets before it’s even released.

So, to make up for the lack of content, tonight we’ll be showing off some concept ideas.  Early in, an idea was pitched to turn the VN into a more comic-book format.  Obviously though, this meant a LOT of extra work for very little return.  It was a fun idea though, so we’re going to go ahead and share it with you.

Our choices would have been built into this style as well.  We actually wanted to try and salvage this even if we scrapped everything else.  Like the rest of the idea, it eventually ended up in the trash heap, unfortunately.

Oh, and have a couple early Jackie concepts.  Just because~

So yeah, apologies on the_ lack of any actual content_.  We promise we’re still working on it, it’s just that we don’t really have much we can actually show you because it’s either boring or spoilery.  So as a forewarning:  blog updates will typically be a bit smaller, but we’ll still try and have** something** for you, even if it’s a minor status update or a piece of art.

Until next time~


beats ヘッドホン イヤーパッド 交換 December 17, 2014

;ブログこれについて|スパム問題問題を持っていますか私もブロガーだ、と私はいた疑問あなたの状況を、 私たちの多く作成しているいくつかの素晴らしい手続き、私たちが見ているとスワップとメソッドテクニック他人 、興味を持っている場合|電子メールの電子メール私に撃つお願い。

Anonymous April 06, 2012

Looks like good shit.

Dakishi April 08, 2012

Looking forward to it. Keep up the good work guys!


