New Character+Menu

Is it Friday already?  Well darn, I guess that means it’s time for another blog post.  As is typical, let’s run off what’s new:

  • The main menu is up and running now

  • A WIP track for the main menu has been composed

  • Act 1 outline is complete, first draft writing has begun

  • Some character concepts have been sketched up

  • Boring behind-the-scenes stuff that you don’t care about has been taken care of

Grab the song used in the video [HERE].

Before we hit anything else, I want to point out that we now have a public steam group that you can join to stay informed on things like when we make blog posts or other such nonsense.  That, or you can chill in the chat all day and ask the developers stupid questions.  YOUR CALL.

So, that being said, let’s start this off right with something NEW AND EXCITING.  Up until now we’ve only been showing off artwork for the two lead characters, Caprice and Mekki.  Today we’re going to go ahead and throw a third character into the mix, though just the design and name for now.

Jackie Curah

Over the course of the week some of us had drawn up some character concepts for this girl, and Twrlare went ahead and created a final product from our ideas.  Maybe we’ll show that stuff off in a later blogpost if anyone cares enough.  WHO CAN SAY, REALLY?

I’m digressing a bit, though.  I’d say that’s a good chunk of content for you to chew on until Monday’s 

(undoubtedly less productive) post, so we’ll end this post with a message from the writing team.


Hello everyone, Salty Tears’ writing team here, reporting in! While we cannot give out any specifics, I figured that everyone would want a status update! Currently the writing team has three members: Mehkanik (aka ‘that guy’), Francis, and Mountaineer. At the time of writing, the work has been divided as such:

-    Francis: Act 1 Co-Writer, Editor

  •    Mehkanik: Act 1 Co-Writer, Act 2 – Caprice Route, Editor

  •    Mountaineer: Act 1 Head writer, Act 2 – Mekki Route

Mehkanik has this to say regarding work on the project:

“Hey folks, that guy here. I’ve been pretty busy with Love Despite and a lot of other stuff, so I decided that it would be best (and a good learning experience!) for Mountaineer to head off most of the writing in Act 1.

I will be focusing primarily on Caprice’s route and being a voracious editor for the first act during this period of time, though. Although I’m not writing that first act, we are working together and I’m contributing constantly to the work. Hope you’re all looking forward to it!”

So far, the complete Act 1 outline has been completed as well as some fringe scenes in Act 2. Many of the side characters have been detailed and documented as well and will, hopefully, will be revealed at a later date.

We can’t say much else without spoiling anything, but we would like to close the writer’s update with this:

The largest completed scene to date is edging out at around 5,000 words, by itself! Holy crap!

That’s all for now! Expect more from us later!


Anonymous March 23, 2012

One of the two main characters is named Caprice, wears a tophat, and yells through a megaphone.I wonder?

Anonymous March 23, 2012

This is my new favorite vaporware.

Anonymous March 23, 2012

Caprice is a SLUT

Anonymous March 23, 2012

You guys are doing the right thing by updating weekly - even if you don't have much to talk about, so long as you keep an open dialogue with your followers about the progress you're making things will go that much smoother.

Anonymous March 23, 2012

Three colors: red, blue and yellow...... soooooo, Pokemon games?

Anonymous March 23, 2012

>was not meant*

Anonymous March 23, 2012


Anonymous March 23, 2012

>yellow got released laterDLC CONFIRMED

Anonymous March 24, 2012

> red blue and yellow> LOL POKEMANS> not the 3 primary colors> shiggy diggy

Anonymous March 24, 2012

But red, blue and yellow ARE the 3 primary colours.

Anonymous March 24, 2012

yeah, as in the first thing that came to their mind was >pokemans and not >primary colorsherp

Anonymous March 23, 2012

I'm loving the addition of the 3rd girl.Now there's three routes, one for art, one for writing, and one for music. It comes out perfectly. Especially the theme for red, yellow, and blue.Always glad to see updates, keep on working, I'd be happy to see this actually get finished.Sometime... maybe...

Anonymous March 23, 2012


Anonymous March 23, 2012

Please tell me that Caps will be making a cameo appearance in the game.


