First, a quick note: we have an embed of our IRC channel on the blog now. You can access it by clicking the IRC tab in the menu bar. Alternatively, you can click here.
This week’s update is pretty simple. As is the norm, we’ve been sitting in the back corner, doing our private little thing and sharing scraps of information. While we continue working on this and that, we thought it was time to share a bit of music.
Qwheeler has been a real help. We’ve asked more from him than we have any right to, but he’s pushed out a ton of samples and experiments. Everyone on the team is really picky when it comes to music, so he’s been churning out experiment after experiment in hopes of nailing down a sound that really works for ST. This is one of the newer ones. We’ll have a longer blog post about our music process later with an actual, finished piece but for now take a listen to this and let us know what you think!
I feel like the secondary piano melody, beginning at 0:16, should perhaps be a different instrument than piano. I feel like it gets lost at times amongst the other piano track; the "bass line" if you will. I was thinking some kind of woodwind instrument.
I like the track overall though. Nice and casual, much like the "Afternoon" or "Stride" tracks on the KS OST.