Speech Bubbles

Oh hey, a new blog post! It feels nice to have something to show everyone again. Coincidently, today also marks the 6th month anniversary since Salty Tears started development. Remember when it was going to be done in a month? ME NEITHER.

In any case, today we’re going to be looking at our upgraded in-game UI. We’ve gotten a bit of feedback noting that even with a name in-place, it wasn’t immediately obvious who was saying what. Our solution: After a lot of different drafts, we settled on a speech-bubble type of design. Readability would no longer be an issue, it fit our art style well, and it has a bit more character than a semi-transparent jagged box.

The problem with this, of course, is that you can only do so much with a static speech bubble. Things like moving and flipped sprites would be an issue, which is why we took it a step farther and made it so that we could change where the bubble’s tail leads off.  Finally, we needed a way to identify when Oliver was speaking as well as when it was standard narration. And that is that. We’re happy with what we ended up doing to address the problems our UI had and hope you’ll agree.  We ended up going through 16 variances before we settled on this final design, three of which you can see here.


Ara ara~ September 09, 2012

You should also make it possible for people to change the color of text each main character has, if it would be possible.

pl4t0 September 09, 2012

Pretty interesting solution. And truth be told, from what I've seen I'd much rather have the project take as long as it needs than have the original product you guys had planned.

banner September 09, 2012

........... I love this. I love this already. YES. It's so simple and yet so perfect! My only suggestion is making the names slightly larger, but other than that YES.

kotop September 09, 2012

That might be overkill...

MrDogsniper September 11, 2012

I enjoy this

MrDogsniper September 11, 2012

short sweet and to the point

cptngarlock September 17, 2012

I just read all the blog posts from back to front at 2:40 AM, and the whole experience has brought a spring back in my (admittedly sleep-drunken) step. It's projects like these that make me believe in the beautiful insanity of human spirit. Keep up the good work and believe in yourselves - I certainly do!
P.S. As someone commented a few dozen posts back, THANK GOD FOR SPENDING TIME ON OPTIMIZING THE GUI


