Speech Quirks in Writing

This week’s progress has gone pretty par-the-course, scenes are getting written up, sprites are being produced, CGs and music are constantly being worked on.  All fairly standard stuff, and nothing we can actually show.  Rather, we’re going to backpedal a bit and show something we’ve been sitting on for a little while.

We have two characters with unique speech patterns.  Working with our writers, we’ve come up with a couple of text effects to accommodate them.  Oliver isn’t the world’s greatest public speaker, and we didn’t want to overly rely on s-s-stuttering.  Our solution was  to implement a gradient system that would allow us to manipulate a text’s opacity.

 It’s not limited to just fading-out text, though.  We can fade-in, fade-out, start the fade at a specific point in the writing, or even just set a flat opacity for the entire thing.

The second was built with Caprice in mind.  She has a habit of getting louder



as she talks.  This was addressed by taking the previous gradient system and applying it to font size instead.

In both opacity and font size, the minimum and maximum values can be set and customized for each occasion.  We’ve been making sure neither turn out to be an annoyance in the script thus far.  We’re happy with the results, but we don’t intend to overuse them.

Oh, also.


A22 August 10, 2012

You guys are getting way too professional, and this project is looking far better than by all rights it should.

John the Fisherman August 10, 2012

Gee golly zipiddy doo, batman! This looks great, also
>we don’t intend to overuse them.
great, I was getting worried about having crazy big text all over my screen

ZoboCamel August 11, 2012

>Poster for 'Poku no Bico'
> (>-_-)>
Looking great there with those sprites and effects. One question, though - I thought the last post mentioned that you changed Caprice's character design, so... did you revert that change, or are these still just the old sprites? Not complaining either way - I like both designs - but I'm just curious.

TopHat August 11, 2012

This was taken in our internal test build where we can play with/ fix ideas without affecting the actual game, so we aren't too worried about making it visually accurate since it's mostly for CODING MAGIC. The sprite is just outdated, is all.

Hamadyne August 12, 2012

Great stuff! Really looking forward to more!


