Crunch Time


We’re mid-August now, which means we’re getting really close to our beta release. We just wanted to make a relatively quick post explaining how it’ll work and give a minor update on progress.

We’re inviting a small number of people to help give feedback on WiP on a monthly basis. We’ll be updating their builds every month with fixes, more scenes, etc. Every time we update, we’ll be posting the patch notes (with some trimming to avoid spoilers) on the blog. After we hit the first branching point in the VN, we’ll get one last round of input and then release that as our public demo.

The initial release will contain the first couple of scenes in the VN. The writing is done, the majority of the art is ready and music is still making progress. We’ll be bringing people in on the 31st, so we’re really close to hitting our deadline. We also plan on doing some outside work including moving the blog away from Wordpress to something a bit more reliable.


Working hard...


BlackWaltz August 16, 2013

Ahhh, I'm so excited! I can't wait to see all the fantastic work you guys have been doing. Best of luck for the demo release! Rest assured I'll be going through it with a fine-toothed comb. I just know it'll be worth the wait!

cmas August 18, 2013

"It's crunch time!" (everyone on the team starts playing payday 2 endlessly)

Kristopher Shafer August 22, 2013

Insanely excited! Been following the progress on this for a very long time, way before you even had the blog up. Good luck with everything!

TrapGod August 30, 2013

Vaguely heard about this in early 2012 and ... Wow! here it is already being tested on. I'm following your VN guys.


